Level 1, 330 High Street
Lower Hutt 5010
022 318 7889 | 022 025 9775

Vision and Mission

Under Pastor Jerin T Mathew’s guidance, Gilgal Pentecostal Church is on a journey of transformation, driven by the following principles:

Empowering Lives

Instilling a sense of purpose and empowerment in every member of our congregation.

Community Impact

Extending our reach beyond the church walls to positively influence our local community.

Biblical Teaching

Anchoring our faith in the unchanging truths of the Bible through insightful and relevant teaching.

Statement of Faith - Gilgal Pentecostal Church

At Gilgal Pentecostal Church, we wholeheartedly embrace the following foundational beliefs, guiding our faith, worship, and service to God:

The Trinity

We affirm the one true God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is fully and equally God, distinct yet perfectly unified.

The Bible

We believe the Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, serving as our guide for faith, doctrine, and conduct.

Salvation by Grace

We teach that salvation is a gift of God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Through His atoning sacrifice, we find forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation with God.

Jesus Christ

We confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, fully divine and fully human. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father.

The Holy Spirit

We acknowledge the Holy Spirit as the empowering presence of God in believers’ lives. The Spirit convicts, regenerates, indwells, and empowers us for righteous living and service.

The Church

We believe in the universal Church, the body of Christ, comprised of all believers. Local congregations gather for worship, fellowship, and mutual edification, following the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.

Water Baptism

We practice water baptism as a symbol of identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It signifies our repentance and commitment to a new life in Him.

Communion (Lord's Supper)

We observe the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. The elements symbolize His body and blood, fostering communion with God and fellow believers.

The Second Coming

We anticipate the glorious return of Jesus Christ, when He will judge the living and the dead. Believers will be rewarded with eternal life, and God will establish His kingdom in righteousness.

Eternal Life

We affirm the resurrection of the dead, and the existence of eternal life. Those who have received salvation in Christ will experience everlasting joy in the presence of God.